January Day Twenty Three
The last day of our 7 week long Brisbane summer holiday was spent running around buying last minute things. I’m a procrastinator and I’ll admit it, being “on top” of everything going in my life isn’t my strong point and when it comes to school holidays my girls always giggle at me, They will be starting school with some text books on back order as I didn’t oranges ordering them soon enough and I’ll have to make an extra trip to collect them, I’ts potentially not particularly productive we always get there in the end, everything that is urgent gets done and everyone is fine. I usually feel like this is a part of me that’s a failure and I often feel guilty. But I’m learning to let those feeling go, keep trying to be organised but at the same time let go and realise that these things aren’t a big deal either….
So there we went, picking up a new pair of school at a shopping centre not close to our home, because we had go to one we normally don’t go to after calling around 6 stores searching for my daughters correct size. But we had fun, got a smoothie, looked in some shops and generally had a nice time together – priceless!
Jess x