:JUNE: Days, 8,9 & 10 (I have been slack!)
June 11, 2011
Ok – so I can’t seem to even get my S**T together to do this challenge, BUT I got the coolest little treat in my letter box the other day, and clip on lens for my iphone from photojojo I also got a nifty Nikon Lens Mug (which I totally love!!!) Thanks to my gorgeous family for buying me a gift card for me from them! So I had a play with the lens’ and there is a fish eye, macro and wide angle…………so these pic’s are by no means masterpieces but were fun to take – we have sunset (oh and another confession this sunset was not taken on “the” day it was meant to – oops!) fruit and animal……..the animal is the Dragon that resides in my daughter’s school playground. Will step up in the next few days! 😉