
:JUNE: Days 10, 11, 12 & 13

Ok, so am recovering from the few days of slackness, I am repeating my animal day, cause my last effort was dire! And here is Silhouette, Sun-Flare and Childhood Memory. How wicked is the Sun in my lounge room in the morning?!?!?! This is around 7am, my darling daughters and puppy have woken me up (bless their hearts, we all know I am not a morning person!!) I was loving the “flare” shapes in these images, and the colour of them too! The house is my childhood memory, I live about six streets away from the this house, and it’s the house I grew up in – I lived there for 20 years, and 7 years ago my parents sold it. It has been sold again since and has recently received a much needed face-lift. I have such amazing childhood memories from that house and street, it was a very charmed life I had looking back………until next time, Jess 🙂



next one

:JUNE: Days, 8,9 & 10 (I have been slack!)