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Summer Time….

Every year around this time of year, I have a little freak out to myself, in total disbelief that the Jacaranda Trees in my homely neighbourhood could possibly be in bloom again, because – surely to goodness, that happened just a few weeks ago? But alas, the passage of time is hurtling past, gathering my kids childhood along with like a thief in the night.

And slowly, but surely, the end of year events start to creep into the calendar. For our little Brisbane Family, it’s ballet exams, music exams, school exams, school concerts, staff Christmas party (husband’s work), Dance Concert, Speech night – you name it we have it. Amongst all this madness I love to do lots of photo shoots so that people can at least slow down that thief a little and we all have some proof of this time of year in our collective families, life journey . Just how much our kids grow in a year can only be captured in a photograph {and perhaps a scratch pencil mark on the wall noting their height} – and how much difference does a year make? It’s quite ridiculous really {and I need to schedule in some photos with my own people that’s for sure}

I’d love to hear how the end of the year looks for you. Here in sunny Brisbane, I am usually welcoming this time with open arms, because despite the absolutely craziness that begins, I’m delighted to see the return of summer – a season where my energy is heightened and I feel more alive. I can throw open the windows and doors of my home and clear out the old energy of winter after a long needed hibernation. The grass becomes green again and the mower gets fired up on the weekend. Ahhhh the smell of fresh cut grass in Brisbane makes my heart happy!

So gang, get in touch – my end of year ‘Brisbane Family Photographer;’ is upon us – I’ve got several sessions booked with only a few remaining. And on the upside –  get multiple jobs done with one photo shoot – presents for the family!

Here’s to a drink on the back deck after a hot sunny day….

Jess x

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next one

My Favourite things {Brisbane Family Photographer}